As summers are becoming increasingly hotter, the effect the heat will have on CCTV owners is an increasingly popular query. We are happy to say heat itself shouldn’t be the cause of any problems with your CCTV, although many operating systems do have a maximum temperature. It’s important to note that this is generally very high and is highly unlikely to be reached in British summer.
However, there are other factors that go hand in hand with rising temperatures that may put your systems more at risk. With more heat, typically comes with more humidity here in the UK, and the increase of moisture in the air may potentially damage some older systems.
If you’re curious about your specific CCTV camera operating temperature, then you should consult the user manual for your system.
The Impact of Excessive Light on Security Cameras
Excessive light exposure is something you should be aware of when installing CCTV. Just like with heat, the maximum exposure before damage occurs is typically rather high, but it is a risk for systems in direct sunlight. Constant light can damage the image sensor within the camera and cause footage to be inconsistent and increasingly blurry. On the extreme end, constant overheating mixed with light damage may cause the camera to catch fire.
Cameras in areas with a great amount of sunlight also may have issues with glare. Glare occurs with any type of camera if there’s too much light around and doesn’t mean the camera is broken in any way. While glare isn’t a system issue it makes it difficult to record clear footage.
Try to install your CCTV in areas with high amounts of shade to prevent both glare and potential damage from light exposure.
Monitor Dust Exposure
Monitoring dust exposure within CCTV cameras is crucial in the summer months. With dust, pollen and other loose particles in the area all it takes is a little breeze to guide them right to the camera’s lens. For the most part, dust is just inconvenient. It can cause images to be blurry and hard to identify but doesn’t usually cause damage. This issue can be solved by wiping the lens clean every so often.
Dust can cause a few further issues in more extreme cases. It can cause the internal components to slow down and work ineffectively if it was to enter the system. In these cases, the camera would need to be taken apart and cleaned internally.
Invest in CCTV With Bee Tee Alarms This Summer
If you’re interested in installing CCTV in Milton Keynes or the surrounding areas, then Bee Tee Alarms is the ideal choice for you. We understand the importance and risks that come with summer temperatures on your camera systems and are dedicated to providing the correct maintenance to keep your cameras working at top efficiency. Contact Bee Tee Alarms to learn more today!